Traffisense: A smart integrated visual sensing system for traffic monitoring
Intelligent camera systems provide an effective solution for road traffic monitoring with traffic stream characteristics, such as volumes and densities, continuously computed and relayed to control stations. However, developing a functional vision-based traffic monitoring system is a complex task that entails the creation of appropriate visual sensing platforms with on-board visual analytics algorithms, integration of versatile technologies for data provision and stream management, and development of data visualization techniques suitable for end-users. This paper describes TraffiSense, a
Towards Efficient Online Topic Detection through Automated Bursty Feature Detection from Arabic Twitter Streams
Detecting trending topics or events from Twitter is an active research area. The first step in detecting such topics focuses on efficiently capturing textual features that exhibit an unusual high rate of appearance during a specific timeframe. Previous work in this area has resulted in coining the term "detecting bursty features" to refer to this step. In this paper, TFIDF, entropy, and stream chunking are adapted to investigate a new technique for detecting bursty features from an Arabic Twitter stream. Experimental results comparing bursty features extracted from Twitter streams, to Twitter
New governance framework to secure cloud computing
Cloud computing is enabling proper, on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing resources that is elastic in reserve and release with minimal interaction from cloud service provider. As cloud gains maturity, cloud service providers are becoming more competitive, which increase the percentage of cloud adoption. But security remains the most cited challenge in Cloud. So, while we are progressing in cloud adoption, we have to define key elements of our cloud strategy and governance. Governance is about applying policies relating to used services. Therefore, it has to include the
Streaming support for data intensive cloud-based sequence analysis
Named entity recognition of persons' names in Arabic tweets
The rise in Arabic usage within various socialmedia platforms, and notably in Twitter, has led to a growing interest in building ArabicNatural Language Processing (NLP) applications capable of dealing with informal colloquialArabic, as it is the most commonly used form of Arabic in social media. The uniquecharacteristics of the Arabic language make the extraction of Arabic named entities achallenging task, to which, the nature of tweets adds new dimensions. The majority ofprevious research done on Arabic NER focused on extracting entities from the formallanguage, namely Modern Standard Arabic
Interactive 3D visualization for wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks open up a new realm of ubiquitous computing applications based on distributed large-scale data collection by embedded sensor nodes that are wirelessly connected and seamlessly integrated within the environment. 3D visualization of sensory data is a challenging issue, however, due to the large number of sensors used in typical deployments, continuous data streams, and constantly varying network topology. This paper describes a practical approach for interactive 3D visualization of wireless sensor network data. A regular 3D grid is reconstructed using scattered sensor
Myocardial segmentation using contour-constrained optical flow tracking
Despite the important role of object tracking using the Optical Flow (OF) in computer graphics applications, it has a limited role in segmenting speckle-free medical images such as magnetic resonance images of the heart. In this work, we propose a novel solution of the OF equation that allows incorporating additional constraints of the shape of the segmented object. We formulate a cost function that include the OF constraint in addition to myocardial contour properties such as smoothness and elasticity. The method is totally different from the common naïve combination of OF estimation within
Myocardium segmentation in strain-encoded (SENC) magnetic resonance images using graph-cuts
In-silico development and assessment of a Kalman filter motor decoder for prosthetic hand control
Improved Semantic Segmentation of Low-Resolution 3D Point Clouds Using Supervised Domain Adaptation
One of the key challenges in applying deep learning to solve real-life problems is the lack of large annotated datasets. Furthermore, for a deep learning model to perform well on the test set, all samples in the training and test sets should be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), which means that test samples should be similar to the samples that were used to train the model. In many cases, however, the underlying training and test set distributions are different. In such cases, it is common to adapt the test samples by transforming them to their equivalent counterparts in the
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