Research Project

Research Project
Artificial Intelligence Based Cloud Computing for Autonomous Traffic Management
Automobile-related deaths rank as one of the most common causes of death in many places, particularly developing countries; Egypt loses about 12,000 lives due to road traffic crashes every year. The greatest danger to human beings is not cars but people themselves because cars are not dangerous if driven by care and more attention. Cell phone use, whether by talking on the phone or texting

Research Project
Academic System Resource Planning: A Fully-Automated Smart Campus/ASRP
Objectives: The project aims at creating a smart automated academic and administrative university environment infiltrating the global perspective of Education Quality and best practices for University Management and Academic System Resource Planning within the HE system in EG through the design and development of a smart digital platform for monitoring, analysis and closed-loop feedback control of

Research Project
Objective/Contributions: Prolonged daily periods of road traffic congestion waste time, and money, and degrade both the environment and our quality of life. In Egypt, the problem is significant with severe traffic delays and high accident rates leading to devastating effects on economic growth and challenging any progression towards sustainable development. Conventional traffic management

Research Project
Subsidies Mobile Wallet (SMW) and Its Applications to Fertilizer Distribution
Objective/Contributions: The subsidy is a strategic service in Emerging countries like Egypt; it makes available essential items to poor people at discounted prices, as they are unable to purchase such items or services at their market price. The subsidy is always a hot topic that floats every year with the preparation of any annual government budget in Egypt. Subsidy remains a major burden for

Research Project
Smart Agricultural Clinic: Egyptian Farmer Electronic Platform for the Future
Objective/Contributions: Smart agricultural clinic (SAC) aims to: 1) Provide an integrated end-to-end digital system to effectively deliver personalized agriculture extension and veterinary services, including best cultivation, fertilization and breeding practices, to farmers and animal producers through the use of mobile/handheld devices. 2) Use advanced computer vision and deep learning

Research Project
Rice Plant Disease Detection and Diagnosis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Hyperspectral Imaging
Objective/Contributions: One of the main challenges of early detection of key rice blast disease is that it can be misclassified as the brown spot disease by less experienced agriculture extension officers (as both are fungal diseases and have similar appearances in their early stages) which can lead to wrong treatment. Given the current scarcity of experienced extension officers in the country

Research Project
Portable Ophthalmoscope for Telemedicine Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Screening in Egypt
Few diseases affect human life and personal destinies more than the loss of the ability to see. In adults, visual impairment is associated with a loss of personal independence inducing large personal and societal costs. According to the World Health Organization, 39 million people are legally blind. In Egypt, there are almost 1 million individuals (~1% of the population) with sight loss. The

Research Project
From Reads to Microbial Analysis: An Ensemble Processing Pipeline for 16S Amplicon Sequencing Data (OCToPUS v2)
Objective/Contributions: 16S microbial profiling came with its own challenges, particularly on the data analysis and interpretation part. This requires specialized bioinformatics solutions at different stages during the processing pipeline, such as assembly of paired-end reads, chimera removal, correction of sequencing errors, and clustering of those sequences into Operational Taxonomic Units

Research Project
Genetics’ Factors Affecting Progression of Diabetes Type II in the Egyptian Population
Objective/Contributions: This project aims mainly to find the distant genetic relationship between the Egyptian population and other populations worldwide for the genes associated with the 4 metabolic diseases ( Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, and Hyperlipidemia). First, we started by collecting data related to Diabetes and its relation to the other diseases from the 1k genome project. Our aim in